Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oral Health during Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just one day away, perhaps the food is already being started so it is ready in time for the holiday meal. As you have probably heard throughout your life, it is important to eat and drink things that are good for your body; however, do we really give much thought to what is good for our teeth? Not as much. Tomorrow, give some consideration to the food on the table and how it can be good for your teeth and gums.

We need to consume necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal oral health and those include calcium, vitamin A, C, and D, and phosphorous. Looking at a traditional Thanksgiving menu, many of the foods on the table contain these nutrients.
  • Turkey- this delicious main part of the meal is high in phosphorous and that is needed for healthy dental development. Phosphorous also helps rebuild the enamel on your teeth, which is damaged by bacteria that produce acid. 
  • Sweet & mashed potatoes- These items have many essential vitamins and other nutrients in them. They do not stick to your teeth so bacteria will have no place to grow with potatoes. 
  • Green vegetables- Green vegetables are great for getting your vitamins A and C; vitamins A and C are what help you gums from becoming soft and bleeding and also prevent your gums from developing cancer. 
  • Cranberries- These little red guys, or sauce, have flavonoids which slow down or even stop the growth of bacteria trying to grow on your teeth and forming plaque. 
  • Pumpkin pie- Yes, I was excited to know that this delicious treat contains vitamin C and calcium. 
So dig in, my friends! Enjoy your amazing Thanksgiving meal, wherever that may be. And remember, try to brush after eating or at least using some floss or a tooth pick to unstick any food. 

If you are looking for a dentist near Park Ridge, then contact Rubino Dentistry - a Park Ridge dentist. We offer many services as well as teeth in one day and dental implants

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dental Tips for Diabetes

Taking proper care of your teeth is something that some people leave behind and they try to do the minimum. This does not result in having great teeth. This especially does not result in having great teeth when you are living with diabetes. Believe it or not, diabetes can have an impact on your oral health.

While having diabetes does not make having a healthy mouth impossible, it does make those who have diabetes work a bit more to have a healthy mouth. So what can you do? Here are a few tips about how it impacts you and how you can deal with it.

How it impacts you:

  • People who have diabetes are at more risk for getting oral infections, such as gum disease. Gum What gum disease does is it attacks the gums and the bone underneath and can ruin them; if this happens then your teeth struggle to stay in place and you can have pain while chewing. If your gum disease progresses and becomes serious, then it can cause you to lose your teeth. Another effect of gum disease is that it can make it harder to control blood sugar levels. 
  • Another problem diabetes can have on oral health is that it can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is when you do not have enough saliva in your mouth. 
  • A third complication can be thrush. What is thrush? This is when the blood sugar in your saliva increases and paired with dry mouth, white patches form which is the fungal infection called Thrush. 

What you can do:
  • Manage your blood sugar levels. 
  • Brush, floss, mouthwash day and night, every day. 
  • Make regular dentist appointments. 
    • Notify your dentist of your diabetes. 
  • Notify your dentist of ill-fitting dentures or sore gums. 
  • Do not smoke. 

As a dentist in Park Ridge, Rubino Dentistry can help you. Along with general cleanings, Rubino Dentistry can handle teeth in one day and dental implants. If you are looking for a dentist near Park Ridge, then contact Rubino! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

5 FAQs Patients Ask Their Dentists

Almost every patient goes into a dental visit with a couple questions, especially if they hear that they have a cavity or the dentist has some sort of recommendation for the patient. It's natural to ask questions because we want answers. Here are a few FAQs that patients have when they come into my Park Ridge dental office.

Is getting an x-ray dangerous because of the radiation? 

Actually, no. The amount of radiation that is emitted when getting an x-ray is minimal at the most and even that is not the case as technology improves. Even though the radiation is very minimal, we still have patients wear the protective vests just as an extra precaution.

Can dentistry be done without drilling? 

The answer to this one is yes. There are already practices put in place for drill-less dentistry and they are called micro abrasion and air abrasion. These practices are being used by some elect dentists even now. Air abrasion is like a air blaster the t can blow away tooth decay, prepare teeth for sealants, move away old fixes that need replacing, etc.

Do whitening toothpastes actually work or is it all talk?

Well, the answer is yes, but not much. Toothpastes that claim to be able to whiten your teeth can make your teeth about one shade lighter while getting whitening done at your dentist office can make your teeth about three to eight shades lighter. The toothpastes typically contain hydrogen peroxide and other whitening agents that are gentle on the teeth and they use abrasive methods to scrub away some of the dirt but not as much as dentist products can.

How do I know what toothpaste is best? 

There is no single toothpaste that will be the best for you but there are certain things to look for. The first thing to look for is if the toothpaste has fluoride or not, you want fluoride in the toothpaste. The second thing to look for is if the toothpaste is approved by the ADA, this should be kind of a no-brainer why you want ADA approved toothpaste. The third thing you want look for is if the toothpaste has tartar control. You can also look for desensitizing, gum care, or whitening.

How do I get dental care on a small budget? 

You can check out dentist rates in your area; there are dentists that offer their services at reduced rates. The main thing is to continue to see a dentist because neglecting your teeth will not become a priority if you suddenly can afford to see a dentist; you have to keep that habit going no matter what.

If you are looking for a dentist in Chicagoland, then contact Rubino Dentistry - a dentist near Park Ridge. As a Park Ridge dentist Dr. Ross Rubino serves his patients with care and attention as if he was the one sitting in that chair.