Caring for your child's teeth is not an option, it is a must. This means having foods and drinks that are not loaded with sugar or acid as well as developing a strong oral hygiene habit.
Flouride is a big help to developing teeth into strong bodies and gives them the ability to ward off cavities and dental decay. Reports have shown that fluoride helps children have 65 percent fewer cavities than those who have no access to fluoride; this means that children should be drinking water infused with fluoride as well as use toothpaste that contains it as well. Many of the children who drink fluoridated water have healthy teeth, even into their teen years.
If your area does not have fluoridated water, then you can purchase some fluoride tablets, gels, drops, and treatments.
Aside from fluoride, we have mentioned that having a proper diet is a big help to the children. Children should have calcium in their diet, not only for strong bones but strong teeth as well. Having milk, cheese, yogurt, and all things dairy is a great source. Having broccoli helps too. If you have cheese after eating a meal, it helps negate the acid in the foods or drinks that can lead to dental decay.
A proper dental hygiene routine is essential to having healthy teeth as well. Ensuring that your children have proper brushing, flossing, and even using a mouthwash are important to having healthy teeth and gums.
If you are in the Chicagoland area and looking for a dentist in Chicagoland, then contact Rubino Dentistry for your dental needs as well as your child's.
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