Monday, September 29, 2014

3 Common Gum Problems People Experience

Common gum problems can be prevented, fixed, and even reversed! Not sure if you have common gum problems? Then let us ask you this: Does the appearance of your gums keep you from smiling?

If you answered yes, then you'll be glad to hear that some of the most common gum problems are preventable, treatable, and even some are reversible. As a Park Ridge dentist office, Rubino Dentistry is able to help you.

If your smile shows too much of your gums, not enough of your gums, or your gums are simply not looking their healthiest, there are solutions.

  • Gummy smile: If you were born with a gummy smile, gum sculpting can expose more tooth surface, giving your smile more pleasant proportions! 
  • Receding gums: Whether caused by tooth brushing or gum disease, a tissue graft can help prevent further recession and bone loss, cover roots, and reduce sensitivity, Receding gums require professional attention. 
  • Swollen and/or bleeding gums: If your gums are inflamed, they should be examined for gum disease. You will respond better to treatment if the disease is caught sooner, rather than later. 
Gum disease can be prevented by a good brushing and flossing regimen and regular dental checkups. If it's already present or advanced, it can be very effectively treated to prevent further damage. For your sake of your health and your smile, take good care of your gums! 

If you are concerned about your gum health, then visit a Chicago dentist and have them get checked out! We would love to be your dental home. Visit our Park Ridge dental office

Thursday, September 18, 2014

3 Great Tips to Save Your Smile

Science is exploring the use of breath, saliva, and blood samples from your mouth to establish your risk for some cancers, diabetes, and other health issues. THis illustrates how your oral health is intricately and importantly linked to the rest of your body. You can see that maintaining gum health can help you sustain your overall wellbeing as well as avoiding tooth loss, the great smile spoiler.

Here are 3 helpful tips…

  1. How it starts. Normal bacteria creates a film called plaque on your teeth- you can feel this. If it build ups and hardens, your gums become inflamed and can eventually pull away from the tooth, leading to tooth loss and other health issues. 
  2. What to look for. If you still have a sticky film on you teeth after brushing, you could need some instruction. Or, if flossing is becoming a challenge, then hardened plaque may be building up. Gums that are swollen or bleeding may be a sign of gum disease
  3. What to do about it. Although daily brushing and flossing is the best prevention, dental visits can ensure that you have no plaque buildup. Since gum disease is easily treatable and can be reversed, especially when caught early, it is important to see us regularly! 
How long has it been since you've scheduled a dentist appointment? Schedule an appointment at our Park Ridge dental office, Rubino Dentistry, and keep your smile healthy! 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

7 Diseases That Can Be Triggered by Gum Disease

No disease acts alone and gum disease is no exception. How can gum disease affect your body? In many ways, in fact, there are seven other diseases that can accompany gum disease.

Did you know that gingivitis can affect up to 75 percent of us in our lifetime? In fact, many medical studies show that 30 percent of us may actually be genetically predisposed to developing it.

Gum disease is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene, gum disease can progress to periodontitis, a chronic infection of the gums. This is because it can advance without giving off any symptoms, it is sometimes called the "silent disease". Why is this a cause for concern? IT's suspected that periodontal disease sets off the body's inflammatory response and can exacerbate symptoms of other serious inflammatory diseases.

So what are the other diseases?

  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • cancer
  • respiratory disease
  • osteoporosis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes

This is why you shouldn't skip your regular dental checkups during which we can monitor your oral health effectively. If you're expecting a child or considering becoming pregnant, check in with us at our Park Ridge dental office as gum disease has been linked to pregnancy complications such as premature birth.

It is essential that you practice good home care and visit Rubino Dentistry for regular checkups. Call us today and get an appointment scheduled. We at Rubino, a Chicago dental office, are here to help you take care of your oral health and overall health.