Monday, November 10, 2014

Effects of Stress on the Body & Mouth

It is time that you garden away the stress and cultivate a calmer you! Stress is incredibly harmful on the body and especially the mouth. It can manifest in teeth clenching and grinding, which can lead to Temoromandibular Joint Disorder, aka TMD. The clenching and grinding can also lead to cracked teeth, worn teeth, and other damage, which often requires tooth crowns or other fixes.

When it comes to TMD, it can become a very serious problem if it is not taken care of. It is an inflammation in the jaw joint; it affects up to 30 million North Americans – the majority of which are women. TMD can lead to:
  • Earaches
  • Headaches
  • Jaw pain
  • Tooth damage
  • Gum trauma and disease

Why not try something to deal with the stress? One common way to help with stress is to do something calming, like gardening? You get lots of fresh air, exercise, communing with nature, and creating something truly wonderful and beautiful. It can greatly help your mind and reduce the stress hormone called cortisol.

Don’t have a green thumb? Try something else! You would much rather find a new hobby than spend thousands on dental services. However, if you are in need of dental services, then reach out to Rubino Dentistry.

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