Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Does Precision Gum Sculpting Work?

When you look in the mirror, do you see a pleasing, well-proportioned toothy grin? Or are your gums monopolizing your smile? No matter where you are in life, a beautiful, confident smile can transform the way you address the world and the way it addresses you.

The perfect proportion of pink, well-cared-for gums will always make you look healthier and more youthful. Gum sculpting is a fast and effective procedure that can improve your smile by:

  • Giving an irregular shaped gum line a more pleasing, uniform look. 
  • Making short teeth look longer and perfectly proportioned in your mouth. 
  • Giving you the confidence to flash a bold, toothy grin that lights up a room. 
Gum sculpting can be performed on a single tooth, or on a number of teeth, and is usually done in a single visit. For a complete smile makeover, consider a tooth whitening procedure to highlight your new smile! A quick fix with bonding may correct damage, misshapen, or poorly aligned teeth. 

No more closed-lipped grins for you! Rubino Dentistry will help you achieve that beautiful, bold, confident smile of your dreams! Call us or stop by! 

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