Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why Use Custom Mouthguards?

Play is the new word of the day. Whether you're enjoying family fun time or your favorite sport, just getting out and playing should always make you smile. Just make sure you protect that smile with a great mouthguard.

Custom-made personalized mouthguards:

  • Offer top-notch protection
  • Fit comfortably & stay in place
  • Allow you to talk & breathe easily
  • Growing jaws & new teeth can be accommodated properly
Mouthguards, especially Under Armour Mouthguards, protect more than just the teeth and face. There is also evidence that they reduce the incidence and severity of concussions. Everyone, including grownups, should wear a mouthguard during activities that put them at risk of injury; for example, hockey, football, basketball, and even mountain biking should be enjoyed with a mouthguard. 

Like any sports gear, a mouthguard will wear out. Bring yours along to every checkup to confirm that it's providing optimum protection. 

If you have any questions, then contact Rubino Dentistry- a dentist in Chicago. We offer custom fit mouthguards from Under Armour. A performance mouthguard can even give you the confidence to perform better! 

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