Friday, October 31, 2014

Unexplained Head Pain? Talk with Your Dentist

Do you suffer from headaches? Ringing in the ears? Neck pain? Don't simply blame your exhaustion, migraines, or allergies! You may have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMD. This Manifests when inflammation of the joint connecting the lower jaw to the skull is caused by clenching and grinding (often due to stress), an uneven bite, and even arthritis. 

TMD affects up to 30 million North Americans, and the majority of that crowd are women. 

What are the symptoms? 
  • Earaches or headaches
  • Popping or clicking sound when opening and closing your mouth
  • Restricted jaw movements
  • Having some pain in the lower face or jaw
  • Pain in your neck, shoulders, or even your upper back
TMD an lead to other oral health problems such as gum disease, chewing problems, and damaged teeth. 

There is therapy that can be provided by your local dentist, such as use of oral appliances, medications to reduce inflammation and pain, and even alterations to your diet and daily routines. We will likely have to make a mention of this to your doctor due to other serious medical conditions that can stem from TMD. 

Every patient will have a customized plan for treatment from Dr. Ross Rubino

Do you or someone you know have any of these symptoms? Then chat with Dr. Rubino and explore your treatment options

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tips for Brightening a Tween's Smile

It can be tough to be a tween. Kids between the ages of 10-13 are in the no man's land between two worlds: adolescence and teenage years. Negative peer pressure take on a whole new meaning for people in this age range; it can be rough.

As a dentist in Park Ridge and father myself, I know what it can be like for kids to begin realizing their appearance matters, which includes their smiles. Adults can even start to worry about their tweens and the pressures of smoking and oral piercings being in the future. There are other less-visible gestures of independence that can threaten the oral health of your tween.

Do any of  these ring a bell?

  • Sports and energy drinks
  • Ditching lunch in favor of sugar-packed snacks
  • Forgetting to brush in the morning or during sleepovers
  • Forgetting to wear performance mouthguards during sports
  • Using implements other than floss to clean between teeth
Poor goal hygiene can lead to things other than cavities, such as gum disease. It places your tween's self-esteem at risk. 

What can you do about it?
  1. Take a deep breath. 
  2. Offer choices like a cool electric toothbrush and toothpaste your child will want to use.
  3. Practice what you preach; also practice good oral hygiene. 
  4. Keep soda and sugary snacks to a minimum at home. Have chilled water (fluoridated, preferably) at home as well as veggies, fruits, and whole grains. 
Are you looking for a good general dental office in Chicagoland? Then contact Rubino Dentistry about any one of our dental services

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Risk of Oral Cancer for Men

The risk for oral cancer in men is increasing and has been on the rise for quite a while. The rates are not only increasing all over the world but especially in developed countries; the research for this trend is pointing to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

If you read the name Human Papilloma Virus and thought, "I've heard of that before but where?" or "Wait, isn't that disease for women?" Well, it does affect women a bit more but as we see, it has an impact on men too; the HPV is the sexually transmitted disease that is responsible for many cervical cancer cases. As for men, HPV infections increase male oral cancer by approximat
ely 50 percent and it is rising for women too. There is not vaccine for HPV for adults; however, health professionals recommend getting vaccines done for boys, in addition to girls.

Oral cancer take up to a decade to fully develop but early detection is possible and crucial. It often begins as a tiny, hard-to-detect white or red spot or sore that does not heal. Doctors state that the survival rate is about 80% for over 5 years when detected early.

Make sure to conduct self-exams between your dental visits to your dentist; if you are in Chicago, then contact Rubino Dentistry, a dentist in Chicago. At our dental practice in Chicagoland (Park Ridge), we conduct oral cancer exams at each visit. Keep your regular appointments.