Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tips for Brightening a Tween's Smile

It can be tough to be a tween. Kids between the ages of 10-13 are in the no man's land between two worlds: adolescence and teenage years. Negative peer pressure take on a whole new meaning for people in this age range; it can be rough.

As a dentist in Park Ridge and father myself, I know what it can be like for kids to begin realizing their appearance matters, which includes their smiles. Adults can even start to worry about their tweens and the pressures of smoking and oral piercings being in the future. There are other less-visible gestures of independence that can threaten the oral health of your tween.

Do any of  these ring a bell?

  • Sports and energy drinks
  • Ditching lunch in favor of sugar-packed snacks
  • Forgetting to brush in the morning or during sleepovers
  • Forgetting to wear performance mouthguards during sports
  • Using implements other than floss to clean between teeth
Poor goal hygiene can lead to things other than cavities, such as gum disease. It places your tween's self-esteem at risk. 

What can you do about it?
  1. Take a deep breath. 
  2. Offer choices like a cool electric toothbrush and toothpaste your child will want to use.
  3. Practice what you preach; also practice good oral hygiene. 
  4. Keep soda and sugary snacks to a minimum at home. Have chilled water (fluoridated, preferably) at home as well as veggies, fruits, and whole grains. 
Are you looking for a good general dental office in Chicagoland? Then contact Rubino Dentistry about any one of our dental services

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