Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Does Precision Gum Sculpting Work?

When you look in the mirror, do you see a pleasing, well-proportioned toothy grin? Or are your gums monopolizing your smile? No matter where you are in life, a beautiful, confident smile can transform the way you address the world and the way it addresses you.

The perfect proportion of pink, well-cared-for gums will always make you look healthier and more youthful. Gum sculpting is a fast and effective procedure that can improve your smile by:

  • Giving an irregular shaped gum line a more pleasing, uniform look. 
  • Making short teeth look longer and perfectly proportioned in your mouth. 
  • Giving you the confidence to flash a bold, toothy grin that lights up a room. 
Gum sculpting can be performed on a single tooth, or on a number of teeth, and is usually done in a single visit. For a complete smile makeover, consider a tooth whitening procedure to highlight your new smile! A quick fix with bonding may correct damage, misshapen, or poorly aligned teeth. 

No more closed-lipped grins for you! Rubino Dentistry will help you achieve that beautiful, bold, confident smile of your dreams! Call us or stop by! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Myths About Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath is incredibly common. Everybody has it to some degree, even if it is just in the morning when we wake up. However, for something so common, there are a lot of misconceptions about bad breath, or halitosis.

  1. Bad breath comes from the stomach. Only in rare cases does this occur. As for things like Gastric Reflux, this is yet to be scientifically proven. 
  2. Bad breath comes from the lungs. Only in rare cases does this occur. 
  3. It is hereditary. Not true. There is no genial linkage for halitosis. There are certain conditions that cause bad breath that are hereditary but bad breath itself is not. 
  4. It is contagious. Not true. 
  5. Breath mints and mouthwashes help. Temporarily, yes. But if your bad breath is caused by something like gingivitis, then it will return. 
  6. Brushing my teeth more will help. Brushing your teeth too much can actually dry out your mouth, making the bad breath issue worse. 
  7. Bad breath is caused by food. Foods like onions, garlic, etc. can create odors in our mouths that aid bad breath.
  8. Probiotics help. There is no support for this yet. 
If you are experiencing chronic halitosis, then consult a oral healthcare professional, like Dr. Rubino and see what the cause is and how it can be treated. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Brush After Reading- Dental Plaque is Bad News

The word "plaque" is associated with many illnesses but is the plaque found on your teeth the same stuff in your arteries? No.

Plaque that causes heart attacks and strokes is made up of cholesterol, fat, and inflammatory cells. This plaque is linked to eye plaque.

Dental plaque is completely different. It's a deposit of bacterial that actually sticks to teeth and gums, which is why you need to manually brush it off. Plaque buildup leads to acid production, which can cause tooth decay, gum inflammation, and ultimately tooth loss.

It's believed that inflammation, not plaque, links poor oral health to heart disease, stroke, and other inflammatory diseases. A good oral maintenance regimen, including checkups and cleanings, can have great health benefits!

Concerned about plaque, tartar, or gum inflammation? Then contact Rubino Dentistry and see how we can help!

gif source: https://www.tumblr.com/search/teeth%20gif